yup! we are at it yet again! my production is being postpone again! due to actor's commitment... sigh! well, this is the very nature of making a movie in my country. when budget is so small, actors have to take on more jobs than they could handle. how i wish that we have just a small friction of hollywood budget. say 10% from transformer the movie would be so so so enough. all the actors could just take on one singular job from me and being done with it for the whole year. well! right now i am looking into new actors to replace the old ones. and anopthe challenge is to face the bankers, we have another obstacle from them. they don't really understand how movie making...well! being made...all that we signed upon those agreements stated that we have to use the actor/s that we choose the first time. no doubt that we wanted to but due to their timing, i as a producer must act fast and replace them before i sustain more losses in monetary form. i have already lost near 200k for the past 3 months. not a nice feeling but hey! "no pain no gain"... - producer